1. Name used in game? sketch
2. Are you at least 13 years old/How old are you? 60
3. Which EW member recommended you? none specifically .....sniper wolf and pieman know me though
4. Were you in any clans before and if so why did you leave? clans ended
5. When do you usually play on Elder Warriors servers?
(This is so we know when to watch for you) nights and eves, some early mornings
6. What is your time zone? eastern
7. What country are you from? us
8. What languages do you speak? lil german
9. Which game is your primary game: UO, CoD4, WaW? cod4
10. Please tell us a little about yourself. I am 60 yrs old ran 3 clans and founded 2 going back to cod1 NS clan, mojado clan, CS clan (AUS) atf us
i work from home a help desk tech rep, near expert at photoshop, fine/commercial artist and photographer also... i am good as a mediator and put fires out i guess due my age??? wondering where all the 'elders' are.....?