1. Name used in game? Maj.Seth
2. What is your age? (leave blank if under 18) 18
3. If selected to join Elder warriors will you be dedicated to our servers?
(You are allowed to play on other servers we just ask the majority be spent on Elder Warriors and that you wear your [EW] tags on other servers) yes
4. Do you agree to abide by the Elder Warrior's code of ethics? yes
5. When do you usually play on Elder Warriors servers? Weekends and weekdays
(This is so we know when to watch for you)
6. What is your time zone? eastern time
7. Which EW member recommended you? everyone from before
8. If you are accepted will you only belong to the Elder warriors clan? Yes
9. Contact info. (xfire, msn, etc...) xfire
10. What languages do you speak? english
11. What country are you from? U.S.A
the reason why i am reappliing is becasue i like being in a clan and me just leaving because this this clan wasent strict enough was really stupid i have tried going solo but it really dosent work its better to be in a clan then solo so i hope my app will be accepted.